Company Profile

  • food warehouse and distribution company
  • operating on slovak market since 1992
  • established by Mrs. Helena Cvachova
  • focus on north and central region
  • 180 employees
  • warehouse facilities in Žilina, Bytča, Čadca, Námestovo, Banská Bystrica, Nováky, Lednicke Rovne
  • total WH area of 25 000 sqm

Storage & Distribution

Storage and distribution of whole range of food, beverages and alcohol assortment:

  • confectionary
  • drinks
  • coffee & tea
  • dry products
  • ice cream & patisserie ingredients
  • spices & soups
  • jar products
  • canned meat & pates
  • diary / chilled products
  • spirits
  • wine (worldwide selection)

Deliveries & Car Fleet

  • clients represented in both segments – retail and gastro
  • supplies: cash and carry or direct deliveries to the customer
  • communication via: sales representatives, telephone operators, online webshop
  • over 3000 active delivery points
  • own car fleet management
  • 40 vehicles – capacity up to 28 tons

Retail Network

  • operating own retail chain KORUNA
  • represented on traditional grocery market for 16 years
  • customer oriented approach
  • 82 shops
  • 500 employees
  • organic growth – app. 10 new facilities per year
  • 350 private labels

Bakery Production

  • bakery operation recently launched
  • traditional handmade production
  • focus on high quality
  • wide selection of assortment
  • special bakery programme
  • 30 employees
  • deliveres up to 100 customers


  • careful selection of imported producs with high sale potential on Slovak market
  • wide range of competitive assortment
  • exclusive partner of Italian gelato MEC3 on Slovak market
  • our partners:
    Import - Partners
    …and many others


  • offering wide range of typical Slovak and international products for sale abroad
  • supplying food warehouses within continental Europe, United Kingdom and Canada
